Wife, Mother, Printmaker, Painter and all around weirdo, And this is what floats around my brain. So put your tray in the upright position and keep your cellphones on vibrate..... cause its more fun that way.
The Summer Starts Today
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Laryngitis and a trip to the store
Hearing me speak right now brings to mind a 6 pack a day smoker or stoma patient. Whispering for my dogs to "SHUT UP" because they are barking at 6:50 in the morning. I know dogs have great hearing mine can hear a squirrel fart at 50 yards and run barking after them. Can they hear me? no. Yesterday, as I was feeling about ready to drop I had to go to the store. Of course that is when I run into a "girl" I knew in high school. She stopped to say hello and then upon hearing my voice and seeing my dark circles for eyes she shuddered in her step and kept right on walking leaving me talking to her back. (I had just brushed my teeth and had not had garlic or poppy seed bagels in days) Why did I not just nod imperiously and walk on myself?
I think I know why. It was novel to sound like froggy from "Our Gang" but now the novelty has worn off and I am ready to sound like myself again. Phone calls are impossible and when my friends stop laughing they tell me that it is hard to hear me and that I should rest my voice. Which translated means "That rasping noise coming from your mouth is making the hair in my ears hurt. Stop talking"
So I guess blogging is the way to go. Aren't you lucky, I could have called but instead I caught you up with a blog. I just figured out why the dogs haven't been coming when I call. My voice is on a frequency that even they cant hear.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Dear Santa
Dearest Santa,
I realize it has been a while since we have spoken and I really am the one to blame for that. There are a few things this year though that I think you should know I would like I just wish more of them were found in stores. That is why I thought it would be wise to just talk to you and then maybe you could discuss things with your boss (God, cause I know that you two are close.) So dear Santa these are the things I would like for Christmas.
1. I really would like a Red Ryder BB Gun or a major award Lamp Leg I am not picky.
2. I would like a bike, actually my old bike in working condition with a big bow on near the tree....It wont matter that I can't ride it until spring.
3. I would like new flooring in my bathrooms and kitchen and the cupboards finished (you have elves could I borrow them I could feed them and send them back they might like a little change of venue)
4. Could you help me find the perfect gift for My husband you have seen his wish list I know you two talk please just a hint.....(please) perhaps I should have put this at the top of the list.
5. A puppy in a big box that I could enjoy and then give back.
6. The keys to a new car that is sitting in the driveway for me in a little box with a big bow.(red please)
7.The chance to go a couple of more Christmas's with the kids still feeling the wonder of Christmas morning.
8. Two Zu Zu pets. (well yes I would share them with the kids but hey I think they are cute too)
9. the perfect gifts for my two children.(again I know that you have seen their lists.)
10. There are several people this year Santa who I know are suffering and I would love to be able to help them in some way but I am not sure how to do that you can't buy a cure for Cancer at the store. If you could I would put every dime of my allowance away for that and even work an extra job. So maybe you could just leave a note to let me know how I could help them as well, I would appreciate that.
11. A winning Lottery ticket. (I know that is a big one but, It could help with some of the things that pop up during the year when you aren't here.)
The rest I will talk directly to your boss about. We need to spend more time talking he/she and I. I know that Christmas is also His Sons birthday and there is quite a party so I think we should start talking more throughout the year when perhaps he isn't so busy. In fact that should be on my list as well.
Thank you Santa I know you will do your best.
It has been nice talking to you. Is there any special cookie I could leave out on the 25th? Let me know.
Thanks again,
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Voodoo Camera Scavanger Hunt Begins
Hello All.....This is a slightly different sort of rant. This is more of a call to arms, a bell tolling for you to dust off your Camera phone/camera/web cam or even hammer and chisel, Anything you would use to capture a moment.
Over lunch at my favorite place a friend said she wanted to do a scavenger hunt. The image that came to mind was driving in my beat up old Datsun 210 looking for road signs or lawn art that would complete the list my friend Cheryl gave me. (Of course everything was returned) Do you know how hard it was to find a gnome. Really, they are everywhere when you don't want them but need one quick and you might have a problem. So in the effort to stay law abiding I think that we should just photograph what we need to find. We will be hunting for pictures and our prey is totally up to you. Now All the rules will be posted on the facebook group page that I set up for this but for those who are standing firm against facebook (and you know who you are) you can send me a email with web sized pics and I will put them on for you....Alley.....
The first set of 15 "prey" will be put up November 2nd and at that time you will be given a date to have them complete. The winner will be given the Drum roll please.......Golden Bragging Right as well as input on 5 of the next months scavenger clues. All photos (but one) each month must be taken fresh. Each month you are allowed one photo from your stockpiles. NO Cheating on this........(That really is directed at myself) Quality doesn't matter just content.
The only other request and again these rules will all be posted is that lets try and keep this a "clean" game. No nasty bits, if you know what I mean. Any truly offensive photos will be taken off and the poster will be banned from the group.
The link is http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=227103242616
On your mark.....Get set......GO!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Tissues and Lotion
Something so small can make such a big difference. Walking the aisle waiting for the pharmacist to call my name I recently pondered the inventions in my life that have made a big difference. Yes My Ipod is something I wouldn't want to do without how else could I listen to the complete and unabridged Harry Potter books 1 -7 non stop or stream the latest Dave Matthews concert (If I listen carefully I think I can hear my own screaming in the background....) But, none of them have made as much impact in the last 24 hours as a tissue with built in lotion. Perhaps for those of you with dirtier minds, tissues and lotion bring other thoughts. Not being a boy I don't appreciate their allure or the images they conjure. No, I have seen the advent of tissues that no longer leave my nose feeling like I have rubbed it repeatedly with sandpaper. For that I am grateful. I am also grateful for Antibiotics and steroids. For without the two this entry might have waited another week to be typed. So when the tissue maker who shall remain nameless but sounds like puffs plus came out with the whole lotion deal I thought why should I spend the extra money on a gimmick. Yet, standing there in the pharmacy aisle I would have done anything to help my youngest feel better and if a tissue claimed that it could keep his little nose from feeling broken and sore I would do what needed to be done. Thankfully that didn't require a moonlit raid on my neighbors stash or a trip to the hock shop after I paid for all of our prescriptions. My husband tells me it's the little things. So yes I do think he's right (you have it in writing now) These are the little things I am thankful for, friends who bring dinner and movies when we are sick, Small pills that fight infections in little lungs and tissues with lotion.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Mafia Wars aka Why I still play games
Friday, October 2, 2009
I have been waiting for the color to join us this fall because all the other signs of the season are here. There are of course the fun ones. Pumpkins and apples. School buses and warm sweatshirts. The disire to bake a chicken pot pie without hoping it doesn't heat up the kitchen too much. But what about the not so fun signs. The smell of dust as heat rises for the first time in months, Finding that a glove had shacked up with one of my long sleeved shirts....I am ashamed to say they gave birth to a single sock out of wedlock. I am hoping to find its orphan twin and reunite them soon. Tissues in the wash. Sniffles and cold breezes. Walking the track in shorts I realized I had overestimated my ability to keep warm through movement when the chilly fingers of fall gripped me round the knees. My favorite sure sign that fall is here is the cry of "Mom where is my....... underwear..... galoshes.... lunchbox.... ticket.... signed permission form..... seed collection..... lost tooth... eye glasses...... SOCKS.....wait I know where at least on of the socks are it was with the glove and the long sleeved shirt.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Pressure....staunches the trickle of blood, turns grapes to juice, allows the skin to feel the touch of another, forces ink to transfer to paper. I had forgotten the thrill of tucking a plexi plate and wet paper under blankets to mingle and squeeze. (sounds mildly dirty and in a very real way it is) The baby it produces amazes me. I feel no limits to its alure and no restrictions to its possibilities. Ah.... if all pressure in life could be as satisfying.
Friday, August 21, 2009
It works....and now the works begin
Monday, August 17, 2009
It followed me home (Part II)
Sunday, August 16, 2009
It followed me home......really
Thursday, July 30, 2009
The Sour
The last time I saw my grandmother I thought about her hands. Throughout the years I have watched her hands age and become the high contrast map of her. Her nails always nicely done courtesy of my sweet and endlessly patient Aunt. The pale pinks and sculpted nails of her, always carefully filed to just the right height. A tissue sometimes tucked in her sleeve. The smell of pot roast and potatoes boiling. I can remember looking down at my hands with their grimy nails and chipped cuticles and thinking that I had better go wash before she caught me. I didn't want her to see me lacking. There were so many other grandchildren who were the epitome of perfection. Now looking back I wonder how is it that the slippers and socks that she bought me as a kid are now the only thing I ever ask for at Christmas but the last thing I wanted then? I think that Dumbledore was right....You can never have too many warm wool socks.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
The Sweetness
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Music and Paint
Friday, July 3, 2009
Laughter (Not for children)
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Budget Cut Blues....Also know as they can't play music in school
(I even have my own theme music.) It shakes the tree a little to find that everyone else thinks it revolves around them, come on people.....How can that be? I bet it is the reality TV craze that has done it. Even our President has joked about having his own reality TV show. See he feels it too.
Somehow cutting budgets and dropping music and computer classes doesn't jibe with the town that I chose to raise my children in. In my must see TV of life, the camera would pan to the younger chubby me running into my 3rd grade classroom Waiting for something..... empty of Art until I heard a wonderful musician who came to my school Mr. Natalie. (I pray I have spelt his name right because, He did right by me.) Mr. Natalie played for an auditorium full of kids and let us all know that there was a world of music and arts out there if we only had the desire to try. The instruments were so shiny and so intricate I couldn't wait to get my sweaty 9 year old fingerprints all over the shine. Mr. Natalie was my music teacher all through grade school up till I reached high school I played any instrument he put in front of me and felt grateful for the chance. I was able to play onstage and not embarrass myself because of him and more because of the Tax payers of my town who payed him. I didn't do drugs or end up pregnant (even when it looked like those were places I could be headed) because I knew that my theme music was not a tragedy or a horror but a life affirming girly flick. I had value and I could play even when I couldn't do other things. Music lead to art and other forms of expression, but I firmly believe that it all started with music and that first chance to play.
Walking through the halls of the grade school where my children learn and live a life I am now removed from I remember the smells of the music room. The rosin for the bows and the cork grease for the reed instruments. Their school is now challenged with what to remove. There is such pain over this because there is no easy answers. Everyone has a different agenda over what is important to them because the world revolves around us all. All I ask is that it is a fair cut and everyone feels the pain. I will take my share knowing that you also feel the hurt and perhaps that will unite us to work towards better solutions in the future. I wish I had some happy ending that I could tie onto all of this. Perhaps a lottery ticket found on the side of the road that could be used to keep the music playing at the grade school. Pan the cameras over the grade school band playing for the senior center while every dog that needs to find a home in the now open shelter is loving, sweet and adopted by lonely single mothers. I bet some indie film developer could make a feel good hit out of it.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
The smell of.......
Monday, June 8, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
Lawn Care and How I Don't
Friday, May 22, 2009
Time as viewed from my underwear drawer and other underware rants
Friday, May 15, 2009
My shameful love for Kermit the Frog
I was flipping through a Rolling Stone Magazine (Back when I was hip and young) and I saw Kermit and I joked with my husband of eight years that he never had to worry about me straying because the my only other love was Kermit the frog. The very next holiday (Christmas or my birthday I forget now) I was blindfolded and given a the nicest piece of furniture I had ever owned. A mission style rocking chair and sitting cross legged on its slats was a Kermit the frog. If you squeezed his belly he would say things like "I am feeling a little green today" and when you held his mouth shut he would hum. Pressing his hand a buzzing noise would start open his mouth and he ate it smacking his lips. Everything was perfect. Yet one sunny afternoon I found myself rocking Kermit. I came to rocking that silly frog. Kermit looked at me a plastic eyed sage. His tag read something about ages of use but, the word that stuck was children. Kermit was there when I realised that I could no longer be the child but would raise them. Broaching the subject with my sweetheart was easy. He had known already what I had been to blinded by youth to see. He laughed and shook his head. Rick has always been good at reading the road signs and having a plan. It was time and what was more we were in the same place, scared but ready. Kermit was at the hospital and in each nursery. He has been chewed (by both dog and child) washed, dragged, thrown, spit up on, peed on, washed some more and used as a dust rag. (Sorry Kermi)
Other frogs have invaded our house. There is even a frog bathroom. Just a few days ago as an I love you or a now you have one of your own, I am not sure which, I got my first Webkin. I have named him Morris. Morris is nice but there is only one Kermit. Thank you Kermit.