The Summer Starts Today

There is something about the last day of school and the feel of warm early summer mornings that make me think I am going to be spouting off at the mouth much more frequently than I have been... so I have added some extra gadgets to this site to help make me easier to follow..... Well at least to read I have never been easy to follow.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Voodoo Camera Scavanger Hunt Begins

Hello All.....This is a slightly different sort of rant. This is more of a call to arms, a bell tolling for you to dust off your Camera phone/camera/web cam or even hammer and chisel, Anything you would use to capture a moment.
Over lunch at my favorite place a friend said she wanted to do a scavenger hunt. The image that came to mind was driving in my beat up old Datsun 210 looking for road signs or lawn art that would complete the list my friend Cheryl gave me. (Of course everything was returned) Do you know how hard it was to find a gnome. Really, they are everywhere when you don't want them but need one quick and you might have a problem. So in the effort to stay law abiding I think that we should just photograph what we need to find. We will be hunting for pictures and our prey is totally up to you. Now All the rules will be posted on the facebook group page that I set up for this but for those who are standing firm against facebook (and you know who you are) you can send me a email with web sized pics and I will put them on for you....Alley.....
The first set of 15 "prey" will be put up November 2nd and at that time you will be given a date to have them complete. The winner will be given the Drum roll please.......Golden Bragging Right as well as input on 5 of the next months scavenger clues. All photos (but one) each month must be taken fresh. Each month you are allowed one photo from your stockpiles. NO Cheating on this........(That really is directed at myself) Quality doesn't matter just content.
The only other request and again these rules will all be posted is that lets try and keep this a "clean" game. No nasty bits, if you know what I mean. Any truly offensive photos will be taken off and the poster will be banned from the group.

The link is
On your mark.....Get set......GO!

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