The Summer Starts Today

There is something about the last day of school and the feel of warm early summer mornings that make me think I am going to be spouting off at the mouth much more frequently than I have been... so I have added some extra gadgets to this site to help make me easier to follow..... Well at least to read I have never been easy to follow.

Friday, October 2, 2009


I have been waiting for the color to join us this fall because all the other signs of the season are here. There are of course the fun ones. Pumpkins and apples. School buses and warm sweatshirts. The disire to bake a chicken pot pie without hoping it doesn't heat up the kitchen too much. But what about the not so fun signs. The smell of dust as heat rises for the first time in months, Finding that a glove had shacked up with one of my long sleeved shirts....I am ashamed to say they gave birth to a single sock out of wedlock. I am hoping to find its orphan twin and reunite them soon. Tissues in the wash. Sniffles and cold breezes. Walking the track in shorts I realized I had overestimated my ability to keep warm through movement when the chilly fingers of fall gripped me round the knees. My favorite sure sign that fall is here is the cry of "Mom where is my....... underwear..... galoshes.... lunchbox.... ticket.... signed permission form..... seed collection..... lost tooth... eye glasses...... SOCKS.....wait I know where at least on of the socks are it was with the glove and the long sleeved shirt.

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