This is a picture of the Vandercook sitting in my garage.....Yahoo!!! As a friend said in the comment section of the last blog entry...." The clouds parted and the Angels sang"......Yeah I guess it was sort of like that. There was a lot of something in the air and it was blue but, I don't think it was singing. There was a pop up shower and even a rainbow....well somewhere nearby. The biggest surprise? I didn't really expect to get it home....I seriously thought it would be too heavy and once we were here I had no place to put it. I am in shock. Not only were my four "Angels" able to lift it but they also got it into the back of a pick up truck and drove all over Towne with it......(That's a little inside joke.....The friend who was on vacation here with his two teenagers' has the moniker Towne) I know for a fact that the rollers at one point or another rolled all over Towne or T-Ouch as I call him now. My husband, Mr. Towne and two willing men in training were the hero's of the day and lets all send our thanks and prayers their way again....(Thanks Guy's!!!!!!) Now.......Where to begin......Oh yes I know.......Thank you Lord for Rosie!!!!!Thank You For Neighbor Dawn (Thanks Dawn!) Thank you Lord that we didn't have to do this in the rain. Thank you Lord that world war three didn't break out due to my lack of prior planning. (Another little inside joke...."A lack of prior planning on your part does not necessitate an emergency on mine" is a favorite saying of my favorite heavy lifter) And last but not least Thank you Lord that I didn't get anyone killed or injured for something I wanted but did not need.........Amen.........Now about the lottery Lord..........
Wife, Mother, Printmaker, Painter and all around weirdo, And this is what floats around my brain. So put your tray in the upright position and keep your cellphones on vibrate..... cause its more fun that way.
The Summer Starts Today
There is something about the last day of school and the feel of warm early summer mornings that make me think I am going to be spouting off at the mouth much more frequently than I have been... so I have added some extra gadgets to this site to help make me easier to follow..... Well at least to read I have never been easy to follow.
It WORKS!!!!!!!!