The Summer Starts Today

There is something about the last day of school and the feel of warm early summer mornings that make me think I am going to be spouting off at the mouth much more frequently than I have been... so I have added some extra gadgets to this site to help make me easier to follow..... Well at least to read I have never been easy to follow.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

To blog or not to blog that is the question

Also known as what have you done lately..... good question my friends I have started to create this blog. (What a cop out all my artsy friends might be thinking and quiet frankly I agree) I have had means and opportunity to paint, draw and even take meaningful photos of brooding people that inspire us to sit and wonder just what those photos mean. Instead what I have taken photos of are my children's baseball teams and the odd flower. Yes those boys are burying that base. What a lot of fun t-ball is. You get to yell things like "Run to first base" "No" "First base" "First base" oh whatever......Questions I have heard "does he need a cup?" I was thinking like for water but, no not that kind of cup my dear welcome to the world of baseball.
But not just baseball it is welcome to the world of children competing for their parents pleasure. I have a good friend who's daughter plays for a team in a neighboring town and our first t-ball game was against them. She called to talk trash......yes my friends t-ball trash. My kid is going to knock your kid on their *Bleep* sort of stuff. (I found myself enjoying it and escalating it before you knew it there was my kid listening in the background wondering why mommy was talking to miss Alley like that. He was really upset. He thought there was actually something wrong I guess I am a better actress than I thought.
So I tell myself that summer is coming and baseball season will be over soon. I can feel the paintings bubble up inside of me. I have started planning them, started thinking about canvas choice and color. Style and how I want things placed. Whom will grace the canvas and will I try something new or work on tried and true, but all of that can wait until after my children's baseball season. Its short and way more fun than I expected.
Added: Just received an email from my friend Jenn who read this. She told me that it won't be long before the cup issue is a reality. Her son is not much older than mine and he must wear a cup. (gotta protect the future) They check the cups by knocking....or tapping lightly on it. That is one job I wont put my hand up for. I can see it now. "OK, Who wants to be on cup duty?" Thank god there was a warning before that storm hit. They aren't talking about Dixie or whistling it for that matter. ( Another friend just wrote to say, that it is the parents responsibility to ensure that the cup is in place in our league. phew!) I know that my son given the choice would wrap on that thing as long as I let him. (Is that where the song I don't wanna work I want to bang on the drum all day comes from?) Jenn also said that the boys pound on the cups like bongo drums. Now you have to tell your kid not to bang on other peoples cups. "Honey...ELi....No don't hit little Bobbie there honey you could hurt him." What I can't say is don't hit little Bobbie like that, I don't like the way he is smiling. That is just not done there are explanations for actions I don't want to even go towards. I never realised that when I had kids the questions would be such a minefield and now I realise why my parents gave me books to read rather than talking about "stuff" to me and why I heard "because I said so." What a safe harbor "Because I said so" is Mom.....Dad, I forgive you and I love you.


  1. Ahhhhh...... my dear friend Deborrah (hopefully I spelled that righht).... The sports issue.. I am about ready to embark on the end of the long road of children's sports. For the last 16 years I have been watching 2 of my three my children play basketball, baseball and now Lacrosse. Although it has been one of the greatest pleasures in my life I would be lying if I said I wasn't glad that's it's over. You and Ms. Alley were talking T-ball trash.... well I can remember 6years after our sons started playing rec. baseball. My friend Laura's son was on the opposing team. Like all good parents we sat in our fold out chairs cheering on the boys. However, during playoffs Laura was cheering on my son's team and I was cheering on her son's team. You see the play off was the final frontier for the season. What ever team won moved on. If your team lost you were done for the season. That meant, for us, no more sitting in an uncomfortable fold up chair in 85 degree weather, while the wind blew dirt in our face. No more daily drives to practice were you had to sit for 2 1/2 hours, knowing that when you got home at 8:30 pm there would be homework, dinner and more stuff waiting to get done for 3 children. I do not regret that I spent the last 16 years sitting on hard bleachers or in early spring sitting at the baseball field wrapped in a thin, dirty blanket I luckly found in my car's trunk, under the unwashed beer and soda cans I forget to return and where my only source of warmth was a Dunkin Dounts cup of coffee and my only place to pee was a dirty Port-O-Pottie with no toilet paper (Just a heads up when you go to DD for coffee pick up extra napkins, you may need them). Or better yet the countless number of hours spent carting my children back and fourth to practic (I won't even mention AAU basketball! and at one time the $4.85 cent a gallon I spent on diesel fuel.) Ironically, if I had to do it all over again I would. I have made friends that will last my life time, my children know of the importance of being part of a team and I have learned that investing in one of those plastic donuts the hospital gives you after you had hemorrhoid surgery is a sound investment. So Ms. Alley and Deborrah.... talk that T-Ball trash.... savor the laughter... and know that these are some of the best times in your lives.... Enjoy my friend... Love Kim

  2. I can't wait to see the paintings that are born from these :) A huge contemporary shape in the background....maybe "cup" like...a child up to bat...parents cheering & hoping...sounds wonderful!!

  3. Welcome to blogger. :)
