(I even have my own theme music.) It shakes the tree a little to find that everyone else thinks it revolves around them, come on people.....How can that be? I bet it is the reality TV craze that has done it. Even our President has joked about having his own reality TV show. See he feels it too.
Somehow cutting budgets and dropping music and computer classes doesn't jibe with the town that I chose to raise my children in. In my must see TV of life, the camera would pan to the younger chubby me running into my 3rd grade classroom Waiting for something..... empty of Art until I heard a wonderful musician who came to my school Mr. Natalie. (I pray I have spelt his name right because, He did right by me.) Mr. Natalie played for an auditorium full of kids and let us all know that there was a world of music and arts out there if we only had the desire to try. The instruments were so shiny and so intricate I couldn't wait to get my sweaty 9 year old fingerprints all over the shine. Mr. Natalie was my music teacher all through grade school up till I reached high school I played any instrument he put in front of me and felt grateful for the chance. I was able to play onstage and not embarrass myself because of him and more because of the Tax payers of my town who payed him. I didn't do drugs or end up pregnant (even when it looked like those were places I could be headed) because I knew that my theme music was not a tragedy or a horror but a life affirming girly flick. I had value and I could play even when I couldn't do other things. Music lead to art and other forms of expression, but I firmly believe that it all started with music and that first chance to play.
Walking through the halls of the grade school where my children learn and live a life I am now removed from I remember the smells of the music room. The rosin for the bows and the cork grease for the reed instruments. Their school is now challenged with what to remove. There is such pain over this because there is no easy answers. Everyone has a different agenda over what is important to them because the world revolves around us all. All I ask is that it is a fair cut and everyone feels the pain. I will take my share knowing that you also feel the hurt and perhaps that will unite us to work towards better solutions in the future. I wish I had some happy ending that I could tie onto all of this. Perhaps a lottery ticket found on the side of the road that could be used to keep the music playing at the grade school. Pan the cameras over the grade school band playing for the senior center while every dog that needs to find a home in the now open shelter is loving, sweet and adopted by lonely single mothers. I bet some indie film developer could make a feel good hit out of it.